Register for
Ages 9 to 18
are welcome to be apart of our ACRO Dance Competitive team!
August 31st, 2:00 to 3:30
$10 per student for tryouts, payable cash at tryouts.
What to bring: Please have hair pulled back in low pony tail. Wear any leotard with shorts or stretchy pants. No shoes or socks. Bring a water bottle.

Skill requirements
To be on the Acro Dance Team each dancer must meet these skill requirements. Note: You do not need to be perfect at any of these skills, but you do need to have these foundations in order to meet the skills that are being practiced.
Our ACRO Coach is Mrs Stephanie Turney who is an ex competitive gymnast, Acro Dance Teachers Association Certified and is working her becoming a competitive Acro Adjudicator to judge at competitions. We have an amazing coach who is all about proper techniques, training, strengthening and building our dancers into a long healthy journey of dance.
Straight body handstand
hold Handstand roll out
Cartwheel on both legs
walking Back walkover
Front Walkover
Valdez Back and Front Limbers
Chest Stand
Splits all directions ( Can be almost down all the way) Understanding of leaps and turns
Scroll down for more class information

What An Acro Dance
season looks like
Being on the Acro dance team is a great way to explore more floor gymnastics skills blended with dance, character development and performing on different stages through out the second half of the season.
Each dance will be required to take certain classes through out the season to help develop their Acro dance skills. Our competitive Acro dancers are also blended with all our competitive dancers at Solstice through classes and personal development workshops. For all our competitive dancers we have guests speakers that come in through our entire season that work with them on physical, emotional and mental health by being taught ways to handle stress and anxiety, depression, self love, self understanding, healthy positive ways to think and we have guests that come in and work with our dancers teaching them how to think of food and eating in a healthy way and promoting body positivity as well.
Our goal is to teach our dancers how to succeed not only in with their craft of dance, but in their own minds and bodies with practice's and knowledge they can take with them for life.
Classes Acro Dancers will take through out the season starting in September.
Monday - Acro, 60 mins, 4:30 to 5:30
Monday - Comp group practice 60 mins 6:30 to 7:30 , all comp dancers attend this class to practice their routines and for personal growth workshops.
Tuesday - Jazz 60 mins, 5:30 to 6:30
Tuesday - Leap - Jump - Turn Techniques class 60 mins 6:30 to 7:30
Thursday - PBT conditioning class 60 mins, 3:30 to 4:30, This class is designed to keep our dancers strong through proper training to support healthy joints and injury prevention.
Thursday - Acro 90 mins, 5:30 to 7:00
We will be attending three competitions on Vancouver Island. Synergy, CORE and NIFPA. These are usually held in Courtenay and Nanaimo, and are a LOT of fun.
Dancers will learn one group competitive routine choreographed by Mrs Stephanie Turney. Details will be giving to all dancers and emailed to families after tryouts have been completed.
Pricing: $295.20 per month. Competitive dancers pay this price and are welcome to take any extra classes they want to take on top of their required classes for NO EXTRA COSTS. This means, they can take Ballet, Lyrical, Contemporary, Theater/Acting class, Hoop Dance and Tap. They are unlimited for as many classes they would like to partake in per month.
All comp dancers workshops are included into this fee as well.
Click here to register for tryouts! Thank you, and see you on the dance floor!